Empowering STEM Women with Skills for Success: How to Offset the Paradoxical Skills Asymmetry at a Workplace
DescriptionThis panel will raise several important questions about the role of education, society, workforce, and artificial intelligence on gender disparities and biases. Despite many initiatives to reduce the gender gap, we are still exposed to stereotypes via advertisement, imbalanced leadership, and social media. Everyday AI applications also encode gender biases, which even deepens this inequality. More often, soft skills have been traditionally associated with women and rarely have been considered an asset for a STEM workplace. The paradoxical skills asymmetry is shown at its best in the recent trend of “soft” skills sought by tech companies (e.g,, communication, team collaboration, writing, conflict resolution). This diverse women panel of entrepreneurs, researchers, educators, and leaders will share their expertise and advice on capitalizing “soft” skills and gaining “hard” skills to offset the paradoxical skills asymmetry in society and at the workplace.
Event Type
TimeTuesday, 15 November 20221:30pm - 3pm CST
Session Formats
Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI)
HPC Training and Education
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