Here we’ll keep you up to date with the latest news and topics related to SC and the upcoming conference. Check out the tags to explore more posts on the subjects that interest you.

Scientific Visualization & Data Analytics Help Power Discoveries
Watch a quick overview of how SciViz aids researchers featuring highlights from last year’s SciViz Showcase finalists. HPC accelerates scientific and engineering discoveries. In the process, it often creates overwhelming amounts of data. To better understand their data, researchers frequently turn to scientific visualization, also known as SciViz, to graphically represent their data. This is …

Reproducibility Initiative Announces Webinar Series to Assist Paper Authors
On March 14, 2022, the SC22 Reproducibility Initiative Committee will kick-off a webinar series to provide potential authors with key information on using several technologies and platforms to help them prepare the Artifact Description and Artifact Evaluation (AD/AE) appendix for paper submissions. The series will include webinars on the Extreme-scale Scientific Software Stack (E4S), Chameleon …

Conference Planning Progress Encourages a Return to In-Person Presentations
Planning for SC22 began in early 2020 after I accepted the position as General Chair. The first tasks were to create a vision for the conference, choose a conference theme (HPC Accelerates) and establish an executive committee (EC) – the chairs responsible for organizing the individual aspects of the conference. Each member of the EC …