Exhibit Booth Network Connections
The SCinet Connection Request System (CRS) makes network connections in your exhibit booth possible.
SCinet is the high-performance network that provides all the networking connections for the conference. Using the CRS, booth managers can make requests for any kind of network connections (100, 10, or 1 Gigabit Ethernet delivered over singlemode fiber optic cable) that are needed to support demonstrations, business meetings, or any other event you might hold in your booth. See the CRS FAQ for details.
The CRS will open July 8, 2022. To avoid a late fee, connection requests are due before October 7, 2022. We will make every effort to fulfill requests received by October 22, 2022. However, in some cases, we will be unable to support late requests.
We ask that you consider and submit your needs by the end of September 2022 to guarantee that the requested services are available and that no additional fees are imposed.
Dates & Deadlines
July 8, 2022
Requests open to exhibitors
October 7, 2022
Requests after this date incur a late fee
October 22, 2022
Requests accepted on best-effort basis
November 4, 2022
Cancellation and refund deadline
CRS Support
SCinet will email booth managers with information on how to use the CRS, including login and password information, in Summer 2022.
For questions regarding network requests, contact SCinet.