Day Held
Saturday, November 12, 2022
Learn to incorporate cybersecurity and data science into high school curriculum. The Teach the Teacher event is designed for high school teachers to learn skills and techniques for incorporating cutting-edge computing capabilities information into high school courses.
See complete details and sign up below!
Teach the Teacher
A Hands-on Seminar for Cybersecurity and Data Science in the Classroom
Seminar Details
This is an in-person event open to high school teachers.
- Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center (Room D220)
- Saturday, November 12, 2022
- 10 am–5 pm
Lunch will be provided.
Continuing Education credit will be awarded to participants.
Transportation is not provided and must be arranged by the participant.
Sign Up
Fill out the short form at the link below. See you there!
We gratefully acknowledge the support of IEEE, the National Science Foundation award CiSE-ProS: Cyberinfrastructure Security Education for Professional and Students (award number CIP-1730695), and Texas A&M University High Performance Research Computing (HPRC) for their support of this seminar.