Day Held
Monday, November 14, 2022
All registered attendees and exhibitors are welcomed at the opening plenary, so bring your SC conference badge and kick off your week with a dose of inspiration.
The Many Dimensions of HPC Acceleration
The essence of High Performance Computing (HPC) is the use of computational methods to improve understanding, leading to discovery or innovation in some dimension. Supercomputing, analytics, and artificial intelligence are all different facets of this approach.
All are important at SC22, where the theme is “HPC Accelerates.” HPC accelerates in the literal sense. Parallel programming accelerates time-to-insight, which in turn accelerates scientific discovery and product development.
But HPC accelerates in a grander sense as well, taking us not only faster in the same direction, but exploring entirely new avenues of exploration and thought. At its best, can HPC accelerate the course of humanity?
The opening SC22 plenary panel explores the many ways in which “HPC Accelerates.” The panelists are all leaders, representing different perspectives in supercomputing, data analytics, hyperscale, and AI, setting up a conversation that promises to range from practical to inspirational, building on where we are today, accelerating through the SC22 program to come, and into the future beyond.

Jim Cherry
Associate Director and Chief of Research Technologies, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID)
Jim Cherry obtained his Ph.D. from the Catholic University of America in molecular biology with a concentration in bio-medical science. He earned an M.S. from Johns Hopkins University in molecular biology with a concentration in biotechnology. His bachelor’s degree is from Shepherd University with a major in biology and minor in chemistry. Dr. Cherry conducts research under the scientific administration of the as Director of Research Technologies in the Division of Intramural Research. He oversees the centralized and efficient management of technologies, including the design, performance, and evaluation of experiments conducted using state-of-the-art equipment for NIAID.

Shubho Sengupta
AI Researcher at Facebook AI Research (FAIR)
Shubho Sengupta is a Software Engineer at Meta, where he designs Meta’s Research Infrastructure for AI training. He started working on AI in 2014, on speech-related AI models like DeepSpeech and DeepVoice. Before that he pioneered many of the foundational algorithms in general purpose programming in GPUs. Currently he also works at the intersection of cryptography and computation, specifically in bi-partite and multi-partite matching algorithms.

Georgia (Gina) Tourassi
Director of the National Center for Computational Sciences and the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Georgia (Gina) Tourassi is Director of the National Center for Computational Sciences and the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility at the Oak Ridge National Lab. Her scientific work is at the intersection of high performance computing, artificial intelligence, and biomedicine. She joined ORNL in 2011 as the director of the Biomedical Sciences and Engineering Center after a long academic career in the department of radiology and the medical physics graduate program at Duke University Medical Center. In addition, she is an adjunct professor of radiology at Duke University and the University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine, joint UT-ORNL faculty of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville and the Bredesen Center. She holds a B.S. in Physics and a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering.

Addison Snell
Co-Founder and CEO, Intersect360 Research
Addison Snell is a veteran of the High Performance Computing industry and the co-founder and CEO of Intersect360 Research, now in its 16th year delivering forecasts and insights for high-performance markets, including HPC, artificial intelligence, supercomputing, big data analytics, cloud, and hyperscale. Addison previously was an analyst at IDC, and prior to becoming an analyst, he held product marketing team leadership roles at SGI, where he became well-known as an industry spokesperson. Addison is a competent bridge player, an excellent Scrabble player, and a puzzle and game enthusiast, particularly word puzzles. In 2022, he published his first crossword in The New York Times.