This lecture replaces our traditional keynote presentation as part of the Opening Session.

Day Held

Tuesday, November 15, 2022, 9 am CST
Dallas Ballroom, Omni Dallas Hotel & Livestream

Opening Session Schedule

Watch the Recorded Lecture

Jack Dongarra

Distinguished Professor, University of Tennessee

Appointments with Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Manchester

Join us for the 2021 ACM A.M. Turing Award Lecture featuring Jack Dongarra. A longtime SC supporter, Jack’s pioneering contributions to numerical algorithms and libraries that enabled HPC software to keep pace with exponential hardware improvements for over four decades has, through the years, accelerated HPC. With our SC22 conference theme, HPC Accelerates, we’re honored that Jack selected SC22 as the location to present his award lecture.

Be sure to include the ACM A.M. Turing Lecture in your schedule when planning your SC22 conference experience. You won’t want to miss it! This lecture replaces our traditional keynote presentation.

Learn more about Jack Dongarra and his storied career in HPC:

Jack Dongarra in the Blog

alan turing

SC Pro Tip


The A.M. Turing Award was named for Alan M. Turing, the British mathematician who articulated the mathematical foundation and limits of computing, and who was a key contributor to the Allied cryptanalysis of the Enigma cipher during World War II.

View all of the awardees since 1966:

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