Days Held

Sunday–Friday, November 13–18, 2022

Each year, SC provides the leading technical program for professionals and students in the HPC community, as measured by impact, at the highest academic and professional standards.

The Program is designed to share best practices in areas such as: algorithms; applications; architectures and networks; clouds and distributed computing; data analytics, visualization, and storage; machine learning and HPC; performance; programming systems; system software; and state of the practice in large-scale deployment and integration.


Technical Program Chair
Sadaf R. Alam, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS), ETH Zürich

Technical Program Vice Chair
Heike Jagode, University of Tennessee

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Be aware that the conference offers a lot more than technical papers – and be on the lookout for volunteering opportunities.

Interested in volunteer opportunities?

Volunteer with SC

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