Accelerating Flash-X Simulations with Asynchronous I/O
DescriptionMost high-fidelity physics simulation codes, such as Flash-X, need to save intermediate results (checkpoint files) to restart or gain insights into the evolution of the simulation. These simulation codes save such intermediate files synchronously, where computation is stalled while the data is written to storage. Depending on the problem size and computational requirements, this file write time can be a substantial portion of the total simulation time. In this paper, we evaluate the overheads and the overall benefit of asynchronous I/O in HDF5 to simulations. Results from real-world high-fidelity simulations on the Summit supercomputer show that I/O operation is overlapped with application communication or computation or both, effectively hiding some or all of the I/O latency. Our evaluation shows that while using asynchronous I/O adds overhead to the application, the I/O time reduction is more significant, resulting in overall up to 1.5X performance speedup
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TimeMonday, 14 November 20223:50pm - 4:10pm CST
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