Accelerating Portable HPC Applications with Standard C++
DescriptionThis half-day hands-on tutorial teaches how to accelerate HPC applications using the portable parallelism and concurrency features of the C++17 and C++20 standards, without any language or vendor extensions, such that a single version of the code is portable to multi-core CPU and to GPU systems. We further show how to integrate this approach with MPI to target CPU clusters and multi-GPU platforms. The tutorial exercises follow classical HPC themes like a PDE solver mini-application for the 2D unsteady heat equation. The exercises provide attendees with hands-on experience applying C++ parallel algorithms and execution policies to parallelize and accelerate HPC programs using only standard C++. The attendees are presented problem-solving strategies for common tasks like computing reductions or running iterative solvers for multi-dimensional problems. Furthermore, the tutorial and exercises give attendees hands-on experience in integrating C++ parallel algorithms into pre-existing MPI applications, teaching how to re-use the pre-existing MPI code to produce MPI/C++ applications that run on multi-CPU and multi-GPU systems. Finally, we conclude with a summary of our professional experience applying the ISO C++ parallel programming model to accelerate large real-world HPC applications and provide an outlook of future topics in C++ standard parallelism.
Event Type
TimeSunday, 13 November 20221:30pm - 5pm CST
Accelerator-based Architectures
Heterogeneous Systems
Parallel Programming Languages and Models
Performance Portability
Productivity Tools
Software Engineering