Discover the latest technologies, products, solutions, and services from cutting-edge innovators joining us from around the world. Here’s your opportunity to meet and interact with industry, research organizations, startups, and universities all under one roof.

Exhibitor Reception

Sunday, November 13, 6–9 pm

Grand Opening Gala Reception

Monday, November 14, 7–9 pm

Exhibit Hours

Tuesday–Wednesday, November 15–16, 10 am–6 pm
Thursday, November 17, 10 am–3 pm

Exhibit at SC

Show off your tech! Join the largest exhibition of technology, products, solutions, and services in HPC. Review the prospectus and prepare to reserve your space!


Exhibits Chair
Jim Stewart, Utah Education Network (UEN)

Exhibits Vice Chair
Marc Lyonnais, Ciena Corporation


Signs, Graphics, & Ads

Promo Opportunities


Important Dates

Exhibitor Deadlines


Booth Network Requests

SCinet for Exhibitors

exhibitor swag

SC Pro Tip


Bring an extra bag for taking home giveaways from the exhibit floor! You’ll be surprised how many items you’ll collect and want to keep.

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