CARES Provides a Safe Space at SC22

Safe Space noun 1. a place that provides a physically and emotionally safe environment for a person or a group of people, especially vulnerable individuals and marginalized groups can feel secure and respected. 2. a place where people can freely express themselves without fear of prejudice, negative judgement, discrimination, or harassment.
SC strives to be an inclusive conference where all feel welcome. Should you not, here’s what to do.
While you are attending SC22, CARES will be there. You can find us in the Inclusivity Office in Room D164 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, or send a message to and a member of the CARES Committee will contact you to set up a confidential meeting. We encourage all attendees – those in-person as well as virtually via the Digital Experience to please reach out if you experience discrimination or harassment, or have witnessed it, especially if you are unsure of next steps.
CARES members at SC22 can be identified by a diamond-shaped CARES button.

The SIGHPC CARES program was instituted last year to raise awareness of, and deter, discriminatory, harassing, or other unethical behavior and incidents related to SIGHPC activities and publications. Our goal is to empower all SIGHPC community members to speak up if they observe such behavior.
The role of CARES is to serve as a resource for those who experience discrimination and harassment at SIGHPC events like SC22. The CARES Committee is composed of well-known and respected people in the HPC community who are approachable, empathetic, and willing to help individuals navigate the ACM reporting and accountability process with respect and complete confidentiality. They are intended to act as a sounding board and provide advice on the appropriate next steps. The role of the CARES Committee is purely advisory.