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ACM A.M. Turing Award Lecture to be Presented at SC22
Dongarra Presentation to Open SC22 Congratulations to Jack Dongarra, recipient of the 2021 ACM A.M. Turing Award. A long-time SC supporter, his pioneering contributions to numerical algorithms and libraries that enabled HPC software to keep pace with exponential hardware improvements for over four decades has, through the years, accelerated HPC. With our SC22 conference theme, …

Student Cluster Competition Benchmark Selected
Announcing the SCC Benchmark We are excited to announce that the SC22 Reproducibility Challenge Committee has selected the Student Cluster Competition (SCC) benchmark for this year’s Reproducibility Challenge. The honor goes to the SC21 paper “Productivity, Portability, Performance: Data-Centric Python,” by Alexandros Nikolaos Ziogas, Timo Schneider, Tal Ben-Nun, Alexandru Calotoiu, Tiziano De Matteis, Johannes de …

The Early Career Program Helped Four Young Professionals Thrive and You Can Too
Thaleia Dimitri Doudali Having just earned her PhD in computer science from Georgia Tech University in 2021, Thaleia Dimitra Doudali was ready to embark on the next phase of her career. At the urging of her advisor, Ada Gavrilovska, she applied for and was accepted into the Early Career Program for SC21 in St. Louis. …

Advice for International Attendees From an SC Veteran
Is the annual SC conference relevant for HPC professionals from outside the U.S.? Is the time commitment, plus the expense of traveling from Europe, Asia or elsewhere, worth it? “Absolutely yes, to both questions,” says Dr. Bernd Mohr. And he should know, as the Germany-based scientist has attended SC on an almost annual basis since …

Reserve Your Hotel for Your Stay in Dallas
SC22 Housing Is Open! SC22 Housing Chair Christine Harvey welcomes all attendees to view room blocks reserved in the vicinity of the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. Hotel reservations can be made using onPeak’s Compass reservation system. onPeak is the ONLY authorized contractor for arranging hotel rooms for SC22. Be sure to review the “Know …