See for Yourself How “HPC Accelerates” as the Countdown to SC22 Begins

I’ve been attending SC since 1992, and never fail to be impressed by the many ways that high performance computing is rapidly evolving.

Candace Culhane

Candace Culhane

SC22 General Chair

That was certainly true in November at SC21 as well. I hope you were able to attend this event in person or online. The theme, Science & Beyond, expressed how HPC has expanded beyond the lab and into the real world, where scientists, engineers and others are tackling the toughest problems our planet faces. In doing so, they are opening the world to vast new frontiers, as was evidenced by the many innovations unveiled in St. Louis.

But just as HPC devotees are constantly looking around the corner to see how supercomputing will help solve the challenges ahead, so, too, should we begin looking ahead to what SC22 will have to offer.

At SC21 last November, I was privileged to share a glimpse of what we are planning for this year’s conference, which will take place in Dallas. Our theme for SC22 is HPC Accelerates. And I can’t think of a more apt description of how supercomputing is continuously changing the world, by accelerating the process of reaching solutions – for corporations, governments and other organizations eager for ASAP computing.

New hardware and software designs are created every day throughout the HPC community. I’ve seen countless examples of this at Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Directorate for Simulation and Computation, where I serve as program/project director.

At Los Alamos, as well as in research labs around the globe, HPC use cases are emerging at breakneck speed. And thank goodness the HPC community has afforded us this capability, as the onset of COVID-19 in 2020 illustrated the importance of being able to ramp up scientific research in the blink of an eye.

Clearly, HPC is the fuel that is powering the turbocharged, rapid-paced field of COVID-19 scientific research, which is the reason that the development, approval and distribution of vaccines and treatments has occurred at scale and in record-setting time. HPC was the key to fast-tracking development efforts and advancing pivotal discoveries, as it offers the wherewithal to fiercely battle this deadly virus and its countless variants.

And there’s so much more on the horizon. From weather forecasting in a world grappling with climate change, to the critical importance of scientific computing combined with artificial intelligence, machine learning and data analytics, HPC propels us toward new achievements.

Speed serves as the foundation for HPC, and speed will also serve as the foundation for SC22.

Join us this coming November, in person at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center or virtually. In the meantime, we’ll keep you updated as more details and plans develop.

This year is sure to fly by. We’ll see you soon, when SC22 celebrates how HPC accelerates our ability to launch the next wave of life-changing innovations.

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